
Engines and Middleware MU3410 - Week 14

Assignment Submission

I’ve submitted my Engines and Middleware assignment! On the day, I was a bit of a stressed mess, and I was rushing to get a few final little tweaks and finishing touches done for the deadline, but on reflection, I think that overall things went okay. I don’t think I managed to fully get my mix under control to the point I was fully happy with it. However, I think the side-chaining and ducking systems I set up definitely helped to clear the mix up during particularly hectic gameplay moments.

May 2018 Sound Design Showreel

Made my first sound design reel! Picked a few sections from the various projects I worked on during the past year of my studies that show my implementation and sound design skills. It's rough and needs a lot of work, but hey for my first reel I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out.

Engines and Middleware 2 MU2410 - Week 30

Assignment Submissions

UE4 Sequencer Tutorial - Work in Progress (31/10/17)

Thought I'd cobble together a quick video on the progress I've made while working though the Unreal Engine 4 Sequencer tutorial. I'm about halfway into this very useful YouTube series, but there's still a ways for me to go yet!

Learning how to use Sequencer has been an absolute blast so far; organising character animations, placing cameras and automating their settings basically let's you be a virtual director inside UE4! Had to temporarily break off from this project due to my ongoing course work, but will try to pick up where I left off over the Christmas break if I get chance.

Audio-wise, I've incorporated a snippet of the music from my dwarf tower defence game into the clip for the time being, as well a few choice samples. Once I've finished building the cinematic, I'll go back and do and a thorough sound design treatment for the whole piece, but for now, here's where I'm up to so far:

FMOD Demo Level - Desert Work in Progress (21/09/17)

Thought I'd put together a quick work-in-progress post to show my current progress on my integrated FMOD and Unreal Engine 4 Desert project. At the moment, it's pretty much identical to the finished tutorial level that came with Sally Kellaway's excellent FMOD tutorial videos, save for one thing...a giant sentry robot!

Using UE4's Sequencer, I've created a (very rough) animation sequence where the robot patrols back and forth from the edge to the middle of the level. I've attached a FMOD events to the robot's skeletal mesh and animation sequences and attenuated the sounds attached to these events with the distance parameter so the player can hear the machine's footsteps and engine sounds as it approaches.

Big thanks to Phil Davison for troubleshooting a crossfade issue I was having with my mixer snapshots; now the grenade tinnitus effect has a nice smooth fade crossfade with the environment sounds as opposed to an abrupt switch over.