
Unreal Online Learning - UE4 Audio Courses

Had a couple of (exciting) work and life changes ongoing these past two months, so I haven’t had as much time to work on personal projects recently.

However, I have been having a lot of fun steadily working through some of the excellent audio resources made by Dave Raybould and Richard Stevens on the Unreal Online Learning site.

So far I’ve been through their courses on Ambient and Proceedural Sound Design, and Dynamic Audio. I’m currently working through the next two courses in the series, Sound and Space and Understanding Audio Mixing and Effects.

Here’s a short video I after completing the Ambient and Procedural Sound Design course. I created the sounds for this campfire using a combination of DSP Fantasy renders and some recordings I made of water droplets in a hot frying pan.

I’m also chuffed that I was able to script the fish asset to do a really basic rotation too!

May 2018 Sound Design Showreel

Made my first sound design reel! Picked a few sections from the various projects I worked on during the past year of my studies that show my implementation and sound design skills. It's rough and needs a lot of work, but hey for my first reel I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out.