Engines and Middleware

Engines and Middleware MU3410 - Week 14

Assignment Submission

I’ve submitted my Engines and Middleware assignment! On the day, I was a bit of a stressed mess, and I was rushing to get a few final little tweaks and finishing touches done for the deadline, but on reflection, I think that overall things went okay. I don’t think I managed to fully get my mix under control to the point I was fully happy with it. However, I think the side-chaining and ducking systems I set up definitely helped to clear the mix up during particularly hectic gameplay moments.

May 2018 Sound Design Showreel

Made my first sound design reel! Picked a few sections from the various projects I worked on during the past year of my studies that show my implementation and sound design skills. It's rough and needs a lot of work, but hey for my first reel I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out.

Engines and Middleware 2 MU2410 - Week 30

Assignment Submissions