
School of Video Game Audio - Wwise Footstep Implementation

My first assignment on the School of Video Game Audio's Wwise course was to implement footstep sounds into a blank Wwise project in three different ways.

The first task involved creating a footstep play event that would alternate sounds between the left and right foot. To do this, I filled two random containers with the sounds for the left and right footsteps, set them to shuffle, and then made them both children of a parent sequence container. With this sequence container plugged into the target object slot of the play action on the Play_Part1_Footstep event, the event would then swap between the left and right foot sounds each time it was called.

The second task involved separating each footstep sound into discrete heel and toe segments so that they could be triggered by specific key frames of a character's walk animation. This involved creating a Footsteps switch container, which contained separate heel and toe sequence containers for each foot, and four switch groups that corresponded to each of these containers. This way, as the character walks, the game can make calls for specific footstep sounds and Wwise will randomly select an appropriate sound from the appropriate container.

I later learned that a much simpler solution to this challenge was to instead use two switch containers and two switches. One switch container can be set up to contain the left and right heel random containers, while the other contains the left and right toe containers. This way, you then only need to have two switches, left and right, for the game to be able to select which set of footstep sounds should be playing, rather than having to make switches for each part of both feet.

The third part of the assignment was to create a play footstep event that would alternate between left and right feet and play toe-heel sections concurrently without using a switch container. I achieved this using a series of nested sequence containers.

Once again I later discovered that a more elegant solution to using multiple sequence containers was to simply use multiple play actions within the Play_Part3_Footstep event.

Two play actions are used here to get the heel and toe components to play back within the Play_Part3_Footstep. A slight delay has been added to the toe component so that it plays back just after the heel sound.

School of Video Game Audio - Wwise 101: AkCube Game Shotgun Sounds Implementation

Here's a quick video I made after completing the first two sections of the Wwise 101 materials. I implemented sounds for an FPS shotgun blast animation in Wouter Van Oortmerssen's AkCube game, including pump in/out and scattering shell sounds. I used delays on the SFX objects and random containers in the Fire_Shotgun_Player event so that the sounds play in sync with the shotgun firing animation.

School of Video Game Audio - Wwise Course Enrolment

I started on the Wwise course at Paul Leonard's School of Video Game Audio this week. I'm looking forward to finally getting to grips with this important piece of middleware! I'll post updates on my assignments here as I work my way through the course.

May 2018 Sound Design Showreel

Made my first sound design reel! Picked a few sections from the various projects I worked on during the past year of my studies that show my implementation and sound design skills. It's rough and needs a lot of work, but hey for my first reel I'm actually quite pleased with how it turned out.

Engines and Middleware 2 MU2410 - Week 30

Assignment Submissions