Develop Brighton

Develop Brighton '24

Time to check off another ‘to-do’ item from my game audio ‘career’ list - I’ve attended my first Develop:Brighton conference!


I’ve been meaning to attend Develop for some time now, but for the past couple of years, whenever July rolls around I have usually been knee-deep in production on a project (i.e. sat in a hot, non-airconditioned room with a weighty and usually very sweaty VR headset strapped to my face) and not in a good position to step away from my desk.

So, with that not being the case this year, I have finally made the pilgramge down to sunny Brighton, I’m delighted to say that I had an amazing time!

It’s really nice (particularly in this new age of remote working) to catch up and be physically present in the same place with the friends and colleagues you’ve been working with on Discord/Slack throughout the year, but are normally too far apart to meet up with regularly.

The audio talks I attended on the Thursday were all very insightful - I lost count of the number of ‘penny drop’ moments that were happening my brain! In particular, the walkthrough of the audio implementaiton for gunshot sound effects in the Alan Wake 2 and Battlefield 2042 were really interesting and helpful talks. These will definitley be useful inspirations for me to draw upon going forward.

I’m looking forward to Develop Brighton ‘25 already!