
School of Video Game Audio - Wwise Effects Processing

My second assignment on the School of Video Game Audio's Wwise course was to record a selection of dry footstep sounds, and then use effects processing in Wwise to simulate how they would sound when played back in a set of different acoustic environments.

I recorded my concrete and grass footsteps using the Foley pits of the Avid S6 studio in Futureworks. I also recorded some gravel surface steps in my backyard at night, but didn't grab any pictures of that session as it was pretty dark!

Using auxiliary buses in the Master/Mixer hierarchy, I routed a collection of footstep recordings to a variety of effect chains that modeled a corridor/passageway, an open exterior environment and a forest area. Specifically, these environments were a passageway and an outdoor section from the AkCube FPS game, and the opening forest environment from Playdead's Limbo.

Here's how my Wwise footstep events sounded with effects processing:

On reflection, the reverb I chose for the corridor sounds way too extreme, and the forest reverb has a high-end ringing element to it which doesn't sound right for the environment. I also should have tried to get the correct reverb sound using just a single reverb, but at the time using a pair of reverbs seemed to create a less boxy reverberation sound that I quite liked. Still, I'm pleased that I now know how to hook up my sounds to effects using aux sends in Wwise.

Recording and Production 1 - Creature Comforts (Assignment 1)

After several months of hard work, I submitted Assignment 1 for my Recording and Production 1 module at Futureworks today - phew!

Working with my fellow game audio students Joe Foulds (@Foulds_Joe) and Josh Hindle (@BassFaceBindle), our brief for the assignment was to replace all the original audio from a Creature Comforts clip with our own recorded sounds. I was primarily involved with recording the musical elements of the project, recording and performing Foley work and transcribing and editing the script for the VO actors.

Here's the finished production we came up with:

I’m really pleased with how this one turned out (if I do say so myself). Anyway, onwards, ever onwards; Assignment 2 will be due in shortly, so I'd best get cracking with that!